The Four Primary LED Power Supply Functions You Don’t Know


When most people hear of an LED power supply, they instantly think of power sources. This is because most of them confuse power supplies with power sources. However, power supplies and power sources are not the same things. A power source is the origin of electricity, as an outlet. On the other hand, an LED power supply converts the electricity from a source into a format, wattage, and voltage required for specific functions. This write-up discusses the core LED power supply functions.

Top general and LED power supply functions

Below are the primary LED power supply functions;

a. Charging devices

One of the standard LED power supply functions is charging devices. Laptops depend on LED power supplies to charge. Without a power supply, you would be unable to use your laptop once its charge is depleted. LED power supplies are a great and convenient alternative for battery chargers. With battery chargers, you would have to take out your battery and charge it before putting it back and using your laptop. You can keep using your device as you charge it with an LED power supply. You don’t have to worry about your laptop or gadgets getting damaged from sudden power surges or incompatibility with power outlets.

b. Changing electric voltage

One of the core applications of power supplies is changing voltage. Power sources like electric outlets or generators usually have a steady output. This means that the voltage does not depend on the type of device you want to connect to the power source. However, most devices usually require specific power voltages. Using the wrong voltage can damage or overload your devices.

On the other hand, connecting a device that requires a high power voltage will keep it from working as it should or entirely. This is where power supplies come into play. Depending on your device’s requirements, they help prevent overload by stepping the voltage down or up.

c. Power regulation

Power supplies are also commonly used for power regulation. More often than not, when you convert the power voltage from a power source, the results are not steady. However, an unsteady electric supply can significantly influence your device’s integrity. An unstable power supply continuously fluctuates or does not turn on or off. In some cases, the power supply can deliver unexpectedly high power. This could damage your devices or prevent them from working. This is where LED power supplies come in. They help you regulate the power supply to prevent damages to your devices.

d. Converting power

Another popular LED power supply function is converting power, and there are two types of power supplies in the market. Some devices are built for a specific power supply or electricity format, AC and DC. An LED power supply converts the incoming electricity into the required format for a particular device. Therefore, you can charge your phone, laptop, and other electronics from anywhere with an LED powers supply.

Final Word

LED technology is applied in many areas, apart from LED power supplies. The technology is used in computers, televisions, signs, and various forms of lighting. However, the applications of LED technology in lighting are the most popular.


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